Thursday, October 21, 2010

Origami Halloween

It was after-school storytime at the library today, with a Halloween theme. I told a paper-folding story called The Princess and the Pumpkin, about Jack and how he was able to give the princess a pumpkin, even after all his pumpkins had been devoured by Pernicious Pumpkin-Dust Beetles. He did it with origami!

The traditional origami model used in the story is called a balloon, or a water bomb. It's an ingenious fold that can be blown up to make a ball that can be bounced around, or filled with water and thrown at someone. It's also useful for making Christmas decorations to hang on a tree, or little Halloween pumpkins.

Use any piece of orange paper. It doesn't have to be origami paper. Here is an instructional video for making the water bomb.

To make a jack-o-lantern out of this, just draw on a face and put a twist of green paper in the hole to make a stem. If you want to draw the face on before you fold the paper, draw it in the upper center. (If the piece of paper were a tic tac toe board, or a nine-patch quilt square, you would draw the face in the middle top row.)

Don't know why this came out sideways.  You get the idea.
Happy Halloweening!!

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